The philosophy behind the raw food diet is to feed dogs and cats what their body was designed to eat.

Although they have been domesticated for thousands of years, their internal digestive system and physiology have remained virtually unchanged.

Even if you choose a dry kibble that is grain free, starch free and even organic, most of the enzymes and vitamins that come naturally from the fresh ingredients used won’t even make it to the bag (hence why most dry kibbles have vitamins added to them). Once it is processed and cooked at high temperatures it becomes a hard crunchy essence of its original form.

Your dog’s stomach is built to digest raw meat, bone and organ which will become apparent almost immediately after starting.

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The Benefits

Pet owners who made the switch to a raw diet have reported the following:

  • The teeth become whiter and stronger

  • The skin and coat become healthier and shiny

  • Bad breath and odor are minimized or disappear

  • Allergies disappear

  • Better metabolism – weight lost or gained

  • An overall stronger immune system

  • Stool will be less in quantity and odor

How much do I feed?

The general guideline is 2-3% of the pet’s ideal body weight per day.

Ideal body weight means that an overweight cat or dog should be fed 2-3% of the weight they should be, a day. A more active pet would probably require a bit more. Some small toy dogs also tend to have higher metabolism and activity rate. If the ribs are starting to get prominent (and it’s not a breed trait), start increasing the quantity. If they disappear, however, under a growing layer of fat, it is time to cut down on these portions. Puppies and kittens should eat much larger quantities and much more frequently. They may eat from 5% of their body weight up to what they eat as adults (depending on their age).

If you have any other questions, please contact us